Monday, February 15, 2010

U.S. Scaling back Troops from Haiti

The news article that I have chosen can be found in the Austin American Statesman. This article discusses the men and women in the U.S. arm forces who are assisting with rescue and aid in Haiti, after the catastrophic quake of January 12th.
As of February 1st, there were 20,000 troops which has been reduced down to 13,000 who are providing security and distribution with supplies such as food, water, and medical needs for the people of Haiti. Although, the U.S. has assisted in helping 160,000 people in Haiti a day with meals they are still falling short with the demands in security and supplies. The food supplies have been diverted and stolen but yet our military is being pulled from Haiti in order to assist with the war in Afghanistan.
It is important for you to read this article to be aware of the progress that the U.S. and Haiti government have accomplished in coming together.